The Tim Weichselbaum Show
Tim Weichselbaum is a media mogul, comedian, podcaster and karaoke singer from Chicagoland. He is also his own agent, promotor, hype man, bodyguard, and driver (despite having epilepsy). Some day he will be a massive success. Or, he’ll stop doing it altogether suddenly, before becoming anything. That will be awfully embarrassing, considering some of the things he says about himself on this podcast. I don’t think there is a more self-confident person in the Austin comedy scene right now than Tim Weichselbaum. His whole act depends on it. He doesn’t do corny jokes about how he hates himself, and that is what makes him stick out compared to most comics. Very recently treated for crippling symptoms of ADHD, he is now in the process of becoming the super-comedian he always knew he had in him. All it took was doing this podcast about fifty times before he discovered that untreated ADHD was the only thing stopping him. This podcast is not just meant for entertainment or even necessarily to be consumed. It is a journey. A document of a short man’s long life. Should someone ever write a biography about Tim Weichselbaum, be rest assured that this podcast will be the most quoted source. Unless it’s a really sh*tty biography. Tim is an introvert. He rarely commits to friendships with anyone, and that is why he lives in a hobbit hole in near total isolation. Sure, he doesn’t scoff at the idea of interpersonal relationships, but it just isn’t a priority for him. He’s more invested in himself at the moment. When he finally reaches his full potential, then it will be time to start finding the real kind of friends and family he’s look for. Topics covered on the show primarily revolve around becoming a professional stand-up comedian, and the trials and tribulations that go along with that process. It took Tim ten years to decide if he was really good enough to be an entertainer. He isn’t just a stand-up comedian after all, he also can sing, dance, and act. But does Tim believe in himself? Let’s find out on this show. He also covers other interests such as mental health, self improvement, and finance/investing. He performs stand-up comedy in real life using the stage name Timmy Gusto, as an attempt to conceal the fact that he’s slightly Jewish. I wonder if it’s possible to get canceled from iTunes just for the description. Any who, you can follow @TimWeichselbaum on Instagram, his current social media platform of choice, to see reels and other enjoyable snippets of his creative output.

Sunday Feb 02, 2025
Ep. 108 | Getting Metaphysical with Jack Horner
Sunday Feb 02, 2025
Sunday Feb 02, 2025
Jack Horner returns for his second appearance to discuss how reality emerges from language, Terence McKenna, and other deep topics that you must be a psuedointellectual to understand.
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Sunday Jan 12, 2025
Ep. 107 | Living with Karaoke Related Vocal Damage
Sunday Jan 12, 2025
Sunday Jan 12, 2025
My voice is deteroriating due to an illness I made up caused by doing too much karaoke later in life. This episode talks about really esoteric things like ear training and how humans are languages.Watch on YouTube:

Friday Dec 27, 2024
Ep. 106 | Two Brothers Solve Capitalism
Friday Dec 27, 2024
Friday Dec 27, 2024
My younger brother Kyle returns to the program to discuss our memories of early childhood and the solution to capitalism.
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Friday Dec 20, 2024
Ep. 105 | The Unified Semantic Field
Friday Dec 20, 2024
Friday Dec 20, 2024
This is a highly technical episode about some of the thought experiments I've been coming up with. I'd recommend it if you are trying to fall asleep, or if you are interested in hearing my esoteric metaphysical views. I didn't even know the word metaphysical until a few months ago, so the Dunning-Kruger effect is still strong. I'm a very slow learner, so this isn't likely to change any time soon. Some of the stuff is probably true, but whether it crystallizes into something useful or not is still totally up for grabs. This makes it a fun time for me, because I'm either going to find out if I'm the next Einstein, or just another pseudo-intellectual.
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Monday Dec 09, 2024
Ep. 104 | Truth Is in the Eye of the Beholder
Monday Dec 09, 2024
Monday Dec 09, 2024
If a tree falls in the woods and no one's there to hear it, does it make a sound? Sound is a label or abstraction for a phenomenom. An abstraction can never perfectly replicate the phenomenom it is referring to. The concept of sound is not an objective truth. It was invented by animals and only exists in their minds. Does a painting exist when you aren't looking at it? It takes observation to label something a painting, whether it is a physical object or any other idea. I would say object permanence is an illusion. Babies are right not to innately believe in it.
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Monday Nov 25, 2024
Ep. 103 | The Art of Being Full with Oneself
Monday Nov 25, 2024
Monday Nov 25, 2024
You're allowed to think before you act in life. You're allowed to come to your own conclusions that are unique to you. That haven't gone through anyone else. It doesn't have to pass through anyone else. How you dress. How you talk. This brings us to physics, because Einstein's theory of General Relativity is incomplete.Watch on YouTube:

Tuesday Nov 12, 2024
Ep. 102 | Native Languages Aren't Native
Tuesday Nov 12, 2024
Tuesday Nov 12, 2024
I struggle to explain the beginnings of a Theory of Everything I'm currently developing. Turns out it's not an easy task, and it doesn't help that it's never been done before. This makes it hard to google the answers when I get stuck trying to finish defining my own concepts within the framework. Just because I thought of the premise with language being the most fundamental concept of reality means I am gifted enough to also author an entire practical framework around such a simplistic metaphor. But it's my cross to bear, and I have to remain confident that I am indeed smarter than I sound. I don't think I've ever sounded dumber on a podcast.Watch on YouTube:

Monday Oct 14, 2024
Ep. 101 | The Problem with Geniuses
Monday Oct 14, 2024
Monday Oct 14, 2024
I define a genius as someone who effortlessly recognizes patterns that others don't, and can self-check themselves without an ego. They are continuous in their production of novel insights or works of art. They tend to be fluent in verbal and nonverbal languages and can combine them to express themselves or solve problems on the fly. They don't need to consult with other authorities before coming to their own conclusions about reality. The negative side of this is that they tend not to listen to other people, and they often resort to conspiracy theories to justify their beliefs, since no institutions take them seriously due to their poor social skills. It's really interesting that you can be a genius internally, but when you interact with others, they think you're cognitively impaired. Interaction between two people is never as efficient as interaction between you and yourself. Great, now I'm sounding like a maniac.
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Friday Oct 04, 2024
Ep. 100 | Embracing The Anti-Intelligence Era
Friday Oct 04, 2024
Friday Oct 04, 2024
I'm coming to terms with the fact that the west is pro-anti-intelligence. Dogmatic religions are dangerous, no matter how scientific they claim to be. What's the solution? Bunkers and VR. I didn't really talk about that in the episode, I mostly complained about dumb people and how I'm the next Einstein. Unfortunately I'll probably be Epsteined before anyone finds out about this gift.
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Monday Aug 12, 2024
Ep. 99B | Intelligence, Language, and Mars
Monday Aug 12, 2024
Monday Aug 12, 2024
Have you ever wondered what is means for something to mean to something? What happens in the brain when it ascribes meaning to something? That's a tough thing to think about, let alone describe. How can something becoming meaningful if it cannot be described? What is our brain doing when it assigns meaning to something but can't think of the words for that feeling or idea? This episode has nothing to do with any of the above, but if you are a fanboi of Elon Musk, this one's for you.Watch on YouTube: